
I absolutely love looking at other people’s pictures.  They give me inspiration, make me sigh in happiness, and believe in happy endings.  There is a photographer that I follow (teach with her wonderful mother) and the photo shoots that she produces are absolutely ah-maze-ing!  (Yes, use your Texas drawl to make that word go on forever. *Insert winky face here* )  Jillian Zamora has an amazing talent for capturing people, but this latest blog is just, well, WOW!

dallas-trolley-engagements-_48This  picture is my fave, but it was definitely a close contest between about five of them!  Can you believe looking at these pictures that they were not taken in Chicago or San Francisco?  They were taken in the heart of Texas y’all – Dallas to be more specific.  I just can’t get over how amazing she is with a camera.  Keep in mind while you gorge yourself on these beautiful pictures that they only had 8 minutes to shoot the pictures in the trolley.  If my math serves me correctly, that is 480 seconds!  So, not only is she talented, but she also had two wonderful subjects to shoot!

Be sure and stop by Jillian’s blog and check out some of her other sessions as well as the rest of this engagement photo shoot.  And like her Facebook page as well.

My mind is spinning with ideas that these pictures conjure.  And you know what these ideas will turn into don’t you?  Yep, you have it right, wonderfully romantic stories!

Happy reading!

~Tammy Jo

*photo property of Jillian Zamora Photography